July 1 – July 6, 2019

The Time I Went to Japan for a Week

SO. This past week was AMAZING. I tried so hard to keep this trip a secret from my friends, because I wanted to suddenly pop out of the country and show up in a place I’ve wanted to go to for a long time. That actually didn’t work out, because I had to tell some people that I would not be available at this specific time (thankfully they didn’t press further about it). This trip was the first time I travelled alone (my parents were going to meet me there), and I haven’t really been on a plane in about four years, so everything about this trip was very unnerving to me. But I still got to Japan in one piece! We stayed in Tokyo the entire time (which I think is nOT a good idea if you wanted to see as much of Japan as possible, like I did), but we visited Osaka, Odaiba, Kyoto, Nara, and the areas surrounding Mt. Fuji too. Those bullet trains are really easy to use when trying to go from one city to another. The local trains in Tokyo, too, are pretty straightforward, but you can get lost very easily if you don’t know what you’re doing (I’d like to shout out my friends Eileen and Jedwyn for recommending Google Maps and Navitime as good apps to use – they were lifesavers). I can’t say too much about the food, because the only things my family wanted to eat were ramen and sushi (I did, however, get katsu with Eileen on one of the days). The weather was not working with me and my photo aspirations and decided to be cloudy and rainy 🙁 but I still tried to get as many photos as I could! I even got to try out my monochrome Polaroids on this trip and it was so cool! I have them down below too for you to see. I’m not sure what else I’m missing but just know that I want to go again!! One week is not enough for me, to be honest.


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