May 26, 2019

The Time I Went to UC Santa Cruz to See the Campus

Let’s just say today’s trip was completely and utterly insane. I thought it was going to include just AC and I, because it was a very impromptu and random trip I planned. I did not expect Jacob to tag along (and thank the gods he did, because I could not drive back home after the drive there this morning). My car. Topped off. At 45mph. GOING UP A HILL. I was so embarrassed for my car and also so scared that it was going to break down or stall, but thankfully we got to Santa Cruz and back in one piece. We spent a good chunk of the day walking around this city that is UC Santa Cruz (sheesh, I thought UOP and Sac State was big heh) with our resident UCSC student and friend Linh, and then ended up getting lunch downtown. Gosh, this trip was one for the memory books.


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